Speller and CloudApps Annual Launch

Posted on August 2024 By Speller International
Earlier this month, Speller and CloudApps held our annual ‘Launch’ event. If you’re wondering, "What’s a Launch?", it’s our time to reflect on past performances, celebrate successes, and set our sights on future goals—for both the next quarter and the entire financial year.

Reflecting and Recharging

Given the challenging market conditions, we opted for a more intimate, staycation-style event this year. The day began with a spread of delicious breakfast treats, setting the tone for something a bit different—DISC profiling.

DISC Profiling: Understanding Ourselves and Each Other

For those unfamiliar, DISC profiling is a tool that categorises behaviour and communication styles into four types:

  • Dominance (D): Focused on results, action, and challenges.

  • Influence (I): Emphasises communication, social interaction, and persuasion.

  • Steadiness (S): Values consistency, cooperation, and dependability.

  • Compliance (C): Prioritises accuracy, quality, and detail.

This session was eye-opening for all of us. Understanding our individual DISC profiles will help us tailor our communication, leadership, and interactions—not just within our teams, but also with our clients and candidates. What’s your DISC profile?

Performance Review and Strategy Session

After a quick lunch break, we gathered in the Boardroom to review last year’s performance, discuss operational improvements, and set new targets for the upcoming year. The day wrapped up with some relaxed drinks and games, including a spirited round of UNO where the rules got a bit creative!

Day Two: Fun and Games in a Life-Sized Monopoly World

The following day was all about letting our hair down. We kicked things off at Monopoly Dreams, an interactive attraction that immerses you in a life-sized Monopoly world. It turned out to be more physical than we expected! To recharge, we headed to Mr. Myagi for a private dining lunch, fuelling up for an exciting evening at The Emerson.

While this year’s Launch may have been low-key, it was packed with meaningful insights, strategic planning, and a lot of fun. Here's to a successful year ahead!