Navigating the slow seasons_ maximising your SAP career during quieter market times

Posted on August 2024 By Speller International
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​In the dynamic world of SAP, market fluctuations are inevitable. However, a slower market doesn't mean stagnation—it's an opportunity for growth.

Here's how you can leverage this time to boost your SAP career:

Develop Your Skill Set

  • Upskill: Enhance your expertise in your current SAP module, particularly focusing on SAP S/4HANA.

  • Cross-skill: Expand your knowledge into new areas:

    • Technical professionals: Consider exploring functional domains.

    • Functional experts: Delve into technical aspects.

  • Utilise resources: Enrol in online courses, attend workshops, or leverage SAP's Learning Hub.

Not only does upskilling make you more resourceful, but it also prepares you for future opportunities where such expertise will be in high demand. We recently wrote a blog about the Australian market - you can read it here.


Stay Informed on SAP Trends

Staying up to date on current trends ensures that you can speak confidently about the latest technologies, solutions and projects in interviews and networking situations.

  • Stay well-informed of the latest developments in:

    • AI-driven analytics

    • Cloud-based solutions

    • SAP S/4HANA functionalities

  • Stay informed through:

    • Industry news

    • SAP-related newsletters

    • Official SAP channels

    • Thought leaders on LinkedIn

    • SAP forums and discussion groups

Being up to date with trends not only enhances your expertise but also demonstrates to potential employers that you are proactive and forward-thinking.


Expand Your Network

Networking is an invaluable tool in any professional’s arsenal, and it's even more critical during quieter times.

  • Attend industry events like SAP Australian User Group (SAUG) gatherings. Here are our key take aways from the most recent SAUG Summit event in Sydney.

  • Reconnect with past colleagues, SAP recruiters, and industry peers.

  • Engage regularly on professional platforms like LinkedIn.

Think outside the box when it comes to networking. It doesn’t have to be formal events, it could be a regularly check in with your connections on LinkedIn or previous colleagues. A simple message to catch up can open doors. Remember, in the SAP world, who you know can often be as valuable as what you know.


Cultivate a Strong Online Presence

In today’s digital age, having an active online presence is essential, especially on platforms like LinkedIn.

  • Maintain an up-to-date LinkedIn profile highlighting:

    • Experience

    • Skills

    • Certifications

    • Recent projects

  • Actively engage online:

    • Share relevant articles

    • Participate in industry discussions

    • Showcase your expertise through insightful comments

By interacting online, you not only stay visible to your network but also demonstrate your commitment to staying informed and engaged in the SAP community. Which in part expands your networks and possibly opens doors for your next opportunity.


Embrace Flexibility in Your Career Path

Flexibility can be your greatest asset during slower market periods. While it might be tempting to hold out for the perfect role, consider that taking a sideways step or accepting a slightly lower rate could pay off in the long run.

  • Consider roles that may not perfectly align with your ideal position.

  • Be open to:

    • Lateral moves

    • Slightly lower rates for valuable experience

    • Opportunities in different industries

A new role, even if it’s not exactly what you envisioned, could offer the chance to develop new skills, gain experience in a different industry, or work with cutting-edge SAP technologies. Especially as we see more and more companies wanting consultants with experience in S4 HANA, a lateral move may give you that exposure and therefore benefit you in the long run.


Remember, a quieter market is your chance to prepare for future opportunities. By focusing on skill development, staying informed, networking, maintaining visibility, and remaining flexible, you'll be well-positioned when the market inevitably rebounds.