5 ways to manage your wellbeing
Posted on October 2020 By Speller International
October is Mental Health Awareness month, and now, more than ever is a time of stress and uncertainty for many.
Things may seem out of your control which allows stress and anxiety to get the better of us. However, controlling our response is the best weapon we have to ensure that we are managing our wellbeing.
Here are a few ways to help manage your wellbeing as we continue to navigate through the next few months.
Set up structure and rituals
To establish a routine could be as simple as a morning walk or virtual Friday drinks with work mates. Or it may be as complex as structuring your work day by the hour or planning your weekends in advance.
These structures and rituals will give you comfort in the familiar, direction and keep you motivated. In addition, scheduling a time to go to sleep and to wake up is particularly important if you are currently working from home, as it will help you maintain a work life balance.
Stay connected
Whether you are in a city with lockdown or have the ability to visit family and friends face to face, ensure you stay connected. Staying connected is extremely important in maintaining your wellbeing.
A part of being human is our connection with others. Why? Because it gives us comfort, strengthens bonds and reduces loneliness. So, whether it is over facetime or in person, make sure you schedule time to be social.
Look after your physical wellbeing
Regular exercise helps us cope with anxiety and can distract us from the day to day stresses of life. It can also help to establish a bedtime routine if you are struggling to get to sleep at night. If you can team regular exercise and a bedtime routine with a healthy diet, you are likely to see changes in your mood as well as your physical health.
Avoid things that cause you stress
Of course, you can’t avoid everything that is stressful, but avoiding things that can cause added stress and anxiety is best practice. These include news updates and social media platforms.
If you feel anxious or particularly vulnerable, reading about the latest Covid-19 headlines or seeing your friends on a beach holiday without you is not going to make you feel any better. Setting limits on how much time you’re spending on social media or reading the news is a good place to start.
Practice mindfulness
It may seem a little fickle in uncertain times, yet taking 10 minutes a day to practice mindfulness can help you manage your wellbeing. It may be as simple as breathing exercises or 10 minutes of meditation as a part of your morning routine. Taking the time to calm your mind and block out the noise of the outside world may be the thing you need to reduce some of the stresses in your life.
There are many ways to help manage your wellbeing and some may not be as effective for you as others. However, taking the time to make small changes in your life is an important step in improving your wellbeing.
If you, or someone you know is struggling and needs help, please contact Beyond Blue or Lifeline.
For more information on how to manage your wellbeing, please go to Beyond Blue where our research and information for this blog was sourced.