What to do When Your SAP Contract Ends Suddenly

Posted on February 2019 By Speller International
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​Having your contract end suddenly can be a stressful time however, working in the contracting world this isn’t an uncommon occurrence. It’s important to remember that although it can be daunting, there are measures you can put in place to get back to workplace as soon as possible.

Speak with your Speller International recruiter

If you are suddenly on the market again, your first point of call should be to your SAP recruiter. We Know what’s happening in the current market and we can help you with your options moving forward. If there isn’t a position immediately available, we will update our database so we can advise you on any future opportunities that may arise. In some instances, we may even be able to market you to companies we know may be on the lookout for someone with your skills.

Attend networking events

A break in your contract is an excellent time to start getting out there and networking within the SAP market. SIG meetings, SAP networking meetings, and the SAUG are all great opportunities to find out more information on what’s happening in the current market and gain a better understanding on what you may want to focus your career on for your next opportunity. It’s also a great time to speak with other SAP Consultants who may be able to refer you to upcoming projects or offer some support if they have been through the same situation.

Be prepared

Planning financially for the sudden loss of income is a good idea for contractors. It will help reduce the stress of ending a contract suddenly and give you more time to look around for your next role. If you need to start working as soon as possible you may find you have to compromise on the position, take a step back from your previous position or move into something you’re not passionate about. Preparation is key to getting back into a role after your contract has ended suddenly.


If you’re in a position where you can take some time out between roles, this is an excellent opportunity to expand your knowledge and gain exposure to new technologies. Attending seminars, doing online training, and generally being proactive in the SAP space can benefit you greatly. It can either extend your current skill set to shift into another area of work or build on your current knowledge and strengthen your application.

It’s important to remember that if your contract happens to end suddenly, all is not lost. By being prepared and proactive between roles, can make this time less stressful and even create opportunity from the experience.