Repackage Yourself – and Your Salary
Posted on June 2016 By Speller International
‘Let’s talk money: the art of negotiating your salary’ appeared in our September 2015 newsletter. It is our highest rated blog in the entire history of Speller newsletters, trumping the Christmas party photos, our Quarterly Crunches, writing a SAP CV and chasing the next contract! So we thought we’d take a look at how to approach your salary when considering a change of role.
The right time to talk
Salary negotiation is a subject that affects everyone at some point in their careers, and it’s something that can easily cause angst. If you feel undervalued you may also lack confidence, and be daunted by the prospect of talking to your employer or supervisor about your salary. That’s why many people take the opportunity to improve their salary when they change jobs. But a change of role within the same organisation can provide exactly the same opportunity.
Feel valued
If you are thinking about a change of role, whether that’s with your existing employer or a new one, think carefully about what you think you’re worth. While money isn’t everything, it is important to feel adequately compensated for the work you do – and as we have pointed out in previous articles, it’s not just about the actual dollars you earn. There are many ways you can feel valued and paid what you deserve, other than by simply asking for more money.
Consider all angles
Understanding your full package entitlements including salary sacrificing or flexible working hours can help you achieve your ideal work/life balance, while entitlements such as professional development courses and study-leave days can help you improve your skills and ultimately advance your career. Employers are often attracted to ideas that will improve the skills of its workforce, particularly if they offer tax advantages.
Just do it
The worst mistake you can make is to not negotiate your salary due to fear or lack of confidence. A way around that is to prepare for the negotiation by rehearsing what you want to say in your mind. You can even ask a friend to play the role of your employer and act out the negotiation.
Remember it’s just business
Remember to keep a clear head and if things don’t work out the way you hope, keep it friendly. It’s never a good idea to vent your frustration in a professional environment, so stay cool and don’t take it personally.
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