Nick’s Corner – September 2015
Posted on September 2015 By Nick Speller
This month we attended the SAUG National Summit in Sydney, hearing presentations by the vast range of speakers on interesting topics such as HANA, Fiori, Ariba, CRM, CloudForCustomer and many more. As proud long-term supporters of the SAUG (did you see our booth pics on Twitter @SpellerIntSAP?) our highlight is always the opportunity to meet new people and catch up face-to-face with those we know, both at the Summit and post event drinks. We look forward to the Melbourne conference in November!
Last week we celebrated Judy’s 10th Spellerversary! In 2005, we hired Judy as a Candidate Manager, new to recruitment and all of 20 years old. A butterfly still in her cocoon, her hard work and dedication to both her clients and candidates alike has helped her grow into the Manager she is today. In her time here, Judy has moved from Candidate Manager to Account Manager, to Team Leader to Sales Manager and most recently to Sales Director.
Having worked with me for 33% of her entire life(!) I can honestly say it’s been a fantastic 10 years and that she has been an amazing support to me and added so much value to Speller International – completing a Diploma in Management in just one year, reaching her own personal sales targets more quarters than not, and now taking on a more commercial responsibility. Judy and I have a true partnership and I always appreciate her great council and her ability to inspire not only her team but me as well. Congratulations Judy and here’s to the next 10 years!