Avoid That Pain In The Neck: It’s Easier Than You Think
Posted on August 2015 By Speller International
We know you spend a lot of time sitting in front of your work computer, and bad posture can lead to a stiff neck or a tight back. While it’s a great excuse for a massage at the chiropractors, we think prevention is better than cure.
Mum was right
Remember when you were a kid and mum would constantly tell you to sit up straight? There is truth in her wisdom. With a straight back, adjust your chair to ensure the following:
Eye line directed at the top third of the computer screen.
Forearms approximately parallel to the floor when typing
Elbows comfortably at your side
Feet flat on the floor with thighs parallel to the floor.
Ergo, go ergonomical
It’s a big word, and it means the scientific study of people and their working conditions, especially done in order to improve effectiveness. In practice, it’s the placement of your desk, workstation, monitor and keyboard to allow for the best possible posture.
The trick is to keep your computer at arm’s length and have your keyboard, mouse, and phone within your forearm’s reach. If you work with paper documents, use a document holder, which positions your documents for easy reading. On the phone often? Get a headset to stop cradling the phone between your ear and shoulder. Not only will it prevent a stiff neck, it frees your hands for important things – like note taking. Your neck and eyes will thank you.
Avoid awkward positions
To hear or see better at meetings or presentations, try not to twist or lean your body. Prevent uninvited backaches by turning or moving your seat towards the person speaking. When typing or using your mouse, ensure your wrists are in a neutral position (not angled up or down) to prevent sprains or Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Keep your wrists poised like a pianist’s, rather than resting them on the table or use a squishy wrist support.
You gotta move it, move it!
No matter how well your desk is set up or how good your office-chair posture is, get up and move around whenever you can. It’s not just good for your body, but also your mind. You could also shake off the tension with some desk-ercise:
Relax your arms and roll your shoulders in a circular motion.
Gently roll your head from side to side, feeling the muscles in your neck and back stretch and relax.
Don’t forget to hydrate with 8 glasses of water a day
Click here to view Worksafe Victoria’s guidelines to help you avoid posture-related pains at your workplace.