Win a Samsung Galaxy Note 3 and Gear Bundle

Posted on March 2014 By Speller International

​Speller International is making an exciting foray into social media. It’s another place where we can put our clients and candidates first; bringing you all fresh, interesting and valuable content.  

We have the luxury of first hand knowledge in the SAP industry and see ourselves playing a key role in bringing that knowledge to you through regular blog posts and updates through our social media channels.  

We do not see social channels as avenues to promote and talk about ourselves; we see it as a place to enlighten, educate and entertain you!  

We think the above is reason enough to follow us; but we know a little incentive can go a long way some times! We’d like to reward both current and future followers by giving away an amazing Samsung Galaxy Note 3 and Samsung Gear.  

All you need to do is follow us on LinkedIn or Google Plus and you will be entered automatically. (Hint: if you follow us on both, you get two entires!) 

If you’d like to know more please read our conditions. 

Otherwise we’ll see you on the other side, you are just a click or two away! 

Best Wishes and Good Luck, 

The Team at Speller International